So Jason, what did you do on Tuesday?
I met the lovely Saraw and her fiancé Mark to act as a Witness to their Wedding in Hatfield!
Background, or how I came to help with their Wedding
I’m a member of many Wedding Groups on Facebook and read a post from Saraw, asking if anyone could help her out by being a Witness for her Wedding.
Legally, every Wedding needs 2 Witnesses.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, their families would be unable to travel into the UK and they had no-one to call on other than some strangers on Facebook.
There was plenty of time, but I could see there was a risk she could be let down by well-meaning members of the group who had other priorities closer to the day.
Knowing could 100% be there, I offered to help. Saraw got in touch and soon realised I was serious and could be relied on.
With Weddings, I have the old Yoda quote “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” firmly in my mind. You really can’t let people down.
As expected the other Witness sadly dropped out, and on Monday Night, I had a late call from Saraw telling me the last Witness had to cancel!
It was 11pm, so I couldn’t call any local friends, so the plan was to find someone off the street in the morning.
Any excuse to dress up!
I’ll put my hands up and admit I’ve been living in old band t-shirts, jeans and slippers since Lockdown. I expect (or hope!) I’m not alone!
So, there was absolutely no way I was going to dress down! I like being smart and also had to check my trousers still fitted, they did (phew!)
With a dry-cleaned outfit, my shoes all shiny and a beard tidy, I was ready to leave my base in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.
I messaged Saraw as I left home as I wanted to put her mind at ease.
I met Saraw and Mark as they arrived in the Car Park. It was strange not shaking hands or giving a quick hug, but a smile and a wave sufficed.
Help! +1 Needed
Our expectations of finding someone off the street was looking doubtful – all of the people were walking their dogs and time was ticking.
The registry office was not in a busy town centre, but in an urban area with a small row of shops and houses.
Saraw and Mark could not legally get married with just 1 Witness (me), so it was crucial that we found someone, anyone (over 18!)
I spotted a lady walking towards the registry office, so I crossed the road and asked “Would you like to be a Witness for a Wedding? They’ve been let down and we urgently need another Witness”
Ruth was able to spare the time and I could sense a collective sigh of relief from Saraw and Mark! (and me!!)
Massive Thanks Ruth for stepping up!
A few minutes later, we were ushered inside and the brief ceremony started.
With no grand entrance, no music, and no readings, it was a short ceremony, with only 6 people in the room (2 offials, 2 witnesses and Saraw and Mark) but we all clapped once their Marriage was announced.
I offered to take a few photos inside and outside, I was pleased they were agreeable to a socially-distanced Selfie once I’d taken a few formal shots on Marks Camera.
Note: It’s very hard to do a socially-distanced Selfie.
I know they’re planning a bigger celebration when conditions permit in their home country and I’m sure they’ll have a great time with their families who were unable to share the Ceremony with this week.
I got back home with a spring in my step and wish them all the very best.
With so many Weddings and Parties being canceled or postponed, it was wonderful to be part of something so important.